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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

the race: run like a champion by Sammy Tippit ch. 3

Chapter 3: Pursuing the Dream [continued]

Three kinds of dreams: ones who source comes from within, without, or above

My dream to run. What kind of dream is it? I know I feel like I am to use it as a reminder about enduring parenting, that parenting is not a sprint. But I go days without walking or running. So let me look at what is going on.

I feel like God is asking me to run. He wants me to run as an outward symbol of my commitment to parenting. I had felt like I should run in the morning because many times the evening gets too busy and I can't do it. I don't like running in the dark, but at least the boys' don't have any activities at 5:30 a.m.
But I'm not getting up at 5:30, I'm snoozing my alarm. In order to get up early, I need to go to bed earlier, not stay up late watching tv and reading after that. Parenting is important. Running is important. Both need prepping. Parenting is hard. Getting up to exercise is hard. Both need an "endurance" attitude.
Is it a matter of what is important? Or is my dream source from within and not from without? I question the source because my desire to run has been a gradual one. I don't like running. It hurts because I weigh too much. Yet I like seeing myself grow in what I can accomplish as I worked through the Run 4 God program. Can God's call be a gradual realization?

Well, time is up for this morning. But I have a direction to keep meditating on.

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