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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

the race: run like a champion by Sammy Tippit ch. 2

Chapter 2: A Call to Run

Discipline --
1. training to act in accordance with rules; drill: military discipline 2. activity, exercise or a regimen that develops or improves a skill

Marathon -- 1. a foot race over a course measuring 26 miles, 385 yards 3. any contest, event, or the like, of great, or greater than normal length or duration or requiring exceptional endurance

Endurance --
2. the ability or strength to continue or last, especially despite fatigue, stress, or other adverse conditions; stamina

p. 29 The endurance metaphor isn't in the Bible to say you need more hardships. Instead it shows us how to live by God's grace and power in the midst of adversities.

When I participated in my 2nd mini-triathlon Aug. 7, I realized something. While all the practice I had put in during the summer helped improve my swim time, I had failed to practice endurance. If I only practice one or two of the events I do not prepare myself for the length of time my body would be physically pushed during the race. My overall time improved, but I still only trained for one event at a time.

I felt God called me to participate in the mini-triathlon a second time as a reminder that parenting is a call to endure. I must depend on Him. While I have an idea on how to better train for next year's triathlon, I'm still mulling over how you "train" for the endurance of adversities.

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